Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Can termites spread diseases?

My dorm room was invaded by termites- well, the bathroom and my section, to be specific. The day they came out of the woodwork (pun intended), I discovered a rash on the front of both my legs. I had woken up with one of the nasty little things on me.

The director of residence life claimed to have spoken to the pest control company and assured me that, no, termites don't bite people. She suggested that I had a stress rash, what with finals and not having slept in a bed for a week because I kept waking up with bugs on me. I think she's a crackpot, because I've never had a rash from stress.

It was red, splotchy, and itchy for about five days, then it turned into a nice carnation pink. Now, a week after turning pink, it's peeling, but it doesn't itch nearly as much.

It isn't: a sunburn, a heat rash, a stress rash, Lyme disease, or scabies. I'm putting Calagel on it to make it feel better. A doctor is really not an option. Does anyone have any info to offer me? Thanks!

Can termites spread diseases?
I would treat it like a burn based on your description. It's possible it could have been irritated by the termites.

It could also be excema. Even if you'd never had excema before, you can still get it. It sounds just like it. Starts off red and irritated and then gets all peely on you. It could have started as an irritation. Dry weather can increase the problem.

Just be glad it's going away. Try different ointments or creams. Which ever seems to make it feel better, stick with it. If it comes back then be worried. Lyme disease doesn't go away on it's own and has several other symptoms, so I doubt it's that. heh.
Reply:"kept waking up with BUGS on me." ? Bleccch!

So, what KIND of bug? Did/ can you bring a couple to the Dispensary?

It is HIGHLY doubtful A termite- not to mention termiteS- were biting you. You don't taste like wood! ;)

There could be a local infestation of bugs (ie: bedbugs) in your dorm area... or just your bed. You need to have that checked out. At the MINIMUM, flea-bomb the place, if you're allowed.

Door SHUT %26amp; window a crack open. Then air it all out.

Finally, ALL new (or "sterilized") bedclothes.

Lyme? HIGHLY unlikely you'd have deer ticks 'congregating' in your dorm (essentially impossible). MUCH more likely to "pick one up" cutting thru the woods to class 1 morning!

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