Saturday, February 11, 2012

My cat vomited...?

She did it yesterday before I went to school. It looked like she was at first. When I picked her up, her stomach felt a little weird. So I immediately put her in her litter box but she hopped out and vomited on the floor instead. She isn't doing it anymore though today. What do you think caused this?

Well here's a little detail. We hold her every once and a while. She doesn't eat too much. She just eats when she's hungry. Also we usually get her Friskie's that has the carnation milk with it. We went to the store several days ago, but they didn't have any, so we had to get her Deli-Cat.

Here's a picture of her, just to let you see what she looks like. :)

I know she's fine, but I just wanna know what you think caused this.

My cat vomited...?
Its possible it happened cause you changed her food. Also maybe could be from hairballs. If shes not doing it anymore I wouldnt be too worried. good luck.
Reply:My cats will do this from time to time. It's usually just hairballs. Try giving her some hairball remeady. To ensure that it reaches it's destination, smear it on the top of her paw so that she can't shake it off.

Another cause could have been a food change. If you did not gradually change the food by putting the new food at the bottom and the old on top and mixing it so that as you use the food, they get more of the new food every day, that could shock their system and make them sick for a while.
Reply:If she maintains her coat a lot, then it's possible she just had a buildup of hair in her stomach, creating a hairball, as gross as that is. My cat would get sick after cleaning his fur, but he's very soft! hahah
Reply:cats do vomit, dont give the carnation milk because most cats are lactose intolarant meaning milk and dairy makes them ill, but if your cat likes milk {like mine} buy cat milk or lactose free milk, it is slightly more expensive but you can drink it to, also my kitten likes it if you warm it up!

unless your cat keeps throwing up i wouldn't worry
Reply:Could be because the diet was changed suddenly. She could have also eaten something laying around the house/yard that didn't agree with her. Could be hairballs. If she continues to throw up or it gets worse, I would take her into the vet and make sure that she doesn't have an obstruction somewhere.
Reply:Don't worry cats vomit alot usually hair, but sometimes cats eat bugs , and their body isn't used to it so it could be that. Don't worry she'll be fine!

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