Saturday, February 11, 2012

Protein bars a good idea?

im trying to lose weight and am not really sure what will give me the best results. i asked the trainer at my gym and all he said was "restrict ur calorie intake and exercise more" well no sh*t sherlock!! i am not a huge fan of slimfast shakes cuz i think they taste gross so would it be a smart idea to use the carnation instant breakfast mixes instead of the slimfast? i make them with either 2% or skim milk. i also have been eating the met-rx protein bar in mud pie fusion for lunch..i dont want to bulk up i want to lose weight so should i not use the protein bars? for exercise i walk 4 miles around a lake near my house, run on the treadmill and do various weight i doing this correctly? should i not use weights? any suggestions would be appreciated!!

i also hit a point where my body wont drop any more weight despite increased exercise and change in diet..what is going on? does that mean my body is at the weight it should be and its my bodies way of tellin me to stop

Protein bars a good idea?
Hello there. I am an exercise finatic! Okay I have mixed emotions about protein bars. How much weight are we talking about? Yes if you are trying to lose weight you need to restrict your caloric intake and increase your exercise. Do not eat 3 large meals per day, eat 6 small meals.

I am going to suspect that if you have hit a wall you may be at or close to your goal weight. If this is the case protein bars are okay in moderation. You def. don't want to eat them if you are trying to lose weight because they are high in calories.

I myself am very, very close to the weight I WANT to be and am working on tonig so PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN is the answer.

Workout suggestions in my opinon - a 65 or 75CM exercise ball for abs, legs, arms, you name it, running, zumba, yoga, medicine ball, tabeo, swimming. Just stay active

Your body is not telling you stop. Dont' ever stop. I have had two children and a hysterectomy to survive cancer - as of todays' date I have a 6 pack. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
Reply:Protien Bars are great, I use them daily. However, the key to weight loss in my opinion is exercise. The first exercise to learn is the push away from the table. Good Luch and while you are at it try a Whey Protien shake that you make with cold water. Great for your health and can replace eating.
Reply:protein bars are good if you are exercizing a lot. your muscles need the protein to grow instead of just breaking down. they also provide you with good energy for all those workouts. since youARE working out, i would say that it's actually a good thing that you are eating them, but make sure to read the labels on them. different bars have different amounts of fat, carbs, and protein. some of them are VERY high in carbs, and are meant for athletes who need all the energy. stear clear of those and you should be good to go.

good luck!
Reply:I eat protein bars because I am not a big fan of meat and I dont eat it that often. Protein bars are my way of getting my protein.
Reply:just get a little amount of it.

don't take it everyday.

saw it on MEAN GIRLS (movie/lindsey lohan)
Reply:Limit ur calorie intake for every 500 calorie is a pound if I'm right. Exercising excessivly is a sign of a eating disorder. I don't recommend those bars though. Maybe a small cereal with skim milk and some fruits for breakfast. a light lunch with some lean meat and veggies and a dinner to round your day. snacks can come in but gotta be fat-free. Enjoy a sweet treat once and awhile though. when u reached that point like you said, it might be because your gaining the same amount of pounts you lose in fat as muscle. Fat--%26gt;Muscle (no weight difference?) Muscle is heavier then fat so don't sweat it. Enjoy yourself! :D
Reply:using weights in moderation is fine. building up a little muscle (nothing visible, rather replacing your fat with lean muscle tissue) will increase the ammount of daily calories that your body burns... resulting in weight loss. i would not recomend protein bars since they usually are high on carbohydrates (to give the athlete more energy). instead focus on having a balanced diet and stick to your exercise regime.

good luck.
Reply:The reason he told you the obvious is probably because he realized you'd do something foolish like look for a gimmick such as protein bars, and that you don't know as much as you think you do. Do you know the first thing about your personal daily calorie maintenance level? You're gonna gain weight eating most protein bars.
Reply:protein makes you feel fuller. also whole grains are great as they metabolize slowly.
Reply:well the back of the package says whats in it and just check it u want protein but if it was over 3g of suger i wouldn't eat it cause everyday ur going to take that in so ur going to gain more wait then lose srry if it doesn't help
Reply:muscle weight more than fat. The best way to tell if you losing fat is by the way your clothes feel (tight/lose) this is a good indicator. Weights are great to build muscle and the more muscle the more you will burn fat.
Reply:i'm a physical therapist

don't bother with protein bars or carnation instant breakfast. you should have plenty of lean protein --- eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, bison. eat lots of raw veggies ( if you don't like them plain, dip in a spicy hummus such as wild garden jalepeno hummus dip) and fruits. if you need extra protein, i recommend bluebonnet 100% all natural whey protein isolate --- only 2 ingredients are whey protein and natural vanilla flavor --- and it mixes good.

try to eat ~6 small meals a day to keep up metabolism and drink plenty of water. eat or drink nothing with artificial sweeteners.

weight training is good, and as long as you don't overdo how heavy the weight is, you won't bulk up but will build lean trim muscle. (added muscle on your body burns calories 24 hours a day, while aerobic exercise only burns calories while you do it plus ~1.5 hours afterwards).

i like the power 90 exercise program, that incorporates dumbell ex, power yoga, abs, aerobics, and stretches.

about hitting that wall where your body won't lose more weight, it might be because you are doing the same routine too much. your body will respond better to variety and randomness of the exercise

i do also agree with the trainer at the gym --- i lost 92 pounds counting calories and only slightly increasing my activity level.

good luck, hope this helped a little. (by the way, i should throw in the disclaimer to talk to your doctor before starting anything, and also, i'm not paid by anyone to give you this advise on specific brands.

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