Saturday, February 11, 2012

Enfamil Coupons?

When I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter- I signed up to get Enfamil coupons etc... I also signe dup for Similac and apparently Carnation. I use ProSobee (enfamil) and NEVER get coupons or anything mailed to me.. however i ALWAYS get crap from similac and carnation. I've signed up again for enfamil thinking my first one never went through- but nope- still nothing months later. Anyone else find this "problem" too???

Enfamil Coupons?
i have learned that if you have it marked that you are formula feeding only, you dont get many but if you put breastfeeding or both then you get them.

you can also go onto and do formula coupon swaps on the bulliten boards. i use to get a ton of similac ones and swapped w/ other for enfamil ones.
Reply:I did not get much from Enfamil, either. I think that the reason was, because I was on the WIC program.
Reply:do you know they give enfamil for free i went threw my son hole yr with it but he stop drinkin it around 6 months find you local hospital an see if they have a W.I.C (woman. infant an child) office they give the coupons an the milk free you dont have to wait for the mail
Reply:I signed up, got coupons for a while then it stopped. Call their customer service number and let them know you are using Enfamil and would like to continue to get coupons. I did this and it took less than two weeks to get coupons.
Reply:Yes, I have had this same problem with the Enfamil coupons. I signed up, advised that I was breast AND bottle feeding (using Enfamil) and have only gotten 1 coupon in the mail. My son was born in June. I don't know what their deal is with that, why even bother to sign up if they're not going to send any coupons anyway.
Reply:My daughters on Good Start and I never get coupons for them but I always get coupons for Enfamil and Similac. I just signed up on their websites.
Reply:yes i have never receieved the enfamil coupons but received a lot of similac ones. i too signed up for them. im not sure what the problem is. my sister received hers once, but thats all.
Reply:I got enfamil coupons mailed to me all the time. Have you tried calling them to see whats up?

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