Friday, January 27, 2012

Help Cat ate flowers - what should I do?

I left some carnations and roses on the table to throw out and my cat got into them. He ate some and then began to throw up. He threw up a bunch of times at the end just white foamy stuff like spit. He seems fine now - but should I be worried and do I need to take him to the emergency vet??

Help Cat ate flowers - what should I do?
Roses won't hurt him. Carnations are probably why he vomitted. Carnations can also cause diarhea in cats.

Check this out. This is a list of plants poisonous to cats. I think you will be ok. If he doesn't drink or eat or use the litterbox or starts acting weird, call the vet. Make sure he has plenty of fresh water.
Reply:he's fine
Reply:He's probably fine now, but you had a good reason to be worried. Take him for a check-up just in case.
Reply:usually cats won't eat anything poisonous. If he got sick and threw up he obviously got rid of the bad stuff. If he eats, drinks and does his business, he will be fine.
Reply:My 3 cats get a hold of alot of things! I would'nt worry too much. Just make sure you give your cat alot of water to flush out his/her system and just keep an out .
Reply:He puked it all up. Its over. They're just flowers.

I had a dog once that ate, and pooped out an entire shop rag. She was fine.
Reply:He'll be fine. It sounds like the flowers just gave him an upset stomach. Keep an eye on him and maybe even call the emergency clinic to see what they say. I always feel better when I talk directly to a professional vet if I'm unsure if I should be concerned about something medical with one of my pets.
Reply:White foamy stuff is a good indication that nothing was ingested,call the emergency vet if you are afraid but If he stops retching give it another hour
Reply:Watch your cat carefully for the next couple of hours... if the cat seems fine, most likely the cat's okay. My cats get into everything and usually if it doesn't sgree with them they throw it up and they are fine! But if the cat seems disoriented and a bit off call the emergency vet and ask about whether you should be concerned of the toxicity of the roses and carnations. BTW my cats LOVE baby's breath and they just get an upset tummy when they eat it.

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