Monday, January 30, 2012

How to pinch carnations?

If the carnation is the free-flowering spray-type, pinch-out the stem of the plant immediately above the sixth node - the swollen part of the stem where the leaf pair emerges. At this stage the plant will be about six inches tall. Pinching-out of the main stem will encourage the growth of lateral stems which in turn are themselves pinched at the terminal. The greater the number of terminals, the greater the number of blooms that will be borne.

If carried out over too long a period pinching can delay blooming so it should be done as soon as the leaf pairs have started to form. Also ensure that the plants are staked to encourage straight growth and do this at the time of pinching-out. The stakes (I use thin strips of split cane) should be between 24" high. To support the stems make small hoops about 1" in diameter from thin plastic coated garden wire and bind them to the stakes with twine.

If fewer blooms are required, pinch the main stem when it is about 6" high and then pinch-out the lateral shoots when they reach a length of 4-6". Typically this second pinching is carried out about four weeks after the first.

If you want to extend the flowering period, pinch-out half of the lateral shoots and leave the remainder. By doing this two flowering flushes will be obtained.

Water the plants every 5-7 days or if in pots every 3-5 days.

Good luck.

How to pinch carnations?
this is just what i needed to know, this weekend i'm planting my carns. i started from seeds! i knew nothing about pinching and now i know what i have to do, THANK YOU!!! Report It

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