The month wuz April of 1977 when I first arrived in the Big Apple New York City, my first time in U.S.A. Az I wuz apply'n for social security card, one of the questions on the app: wuz, what Race am I? This wuz a strange question for me, because I grew up to the age of 20 yrs. in a British Colony before arrive'n in the U.S.A. The word race wuz taught to me az to compete az in run'n, cycle'n, car race etc. I had no idea why wuz I asked about compete'n. Fortunately, there wuz a section on the form that states or other. I inspirationally filled in that open space with the words "God's creation". After I turned in the application I wuz told that I answered the question wrong. I found it so confuse'n that in the k'nown greatest Nation in the world U.S.A. that people are labelled az sardiens, corn beef, carnation rose milk, things in cans az black, white, yellow, red, pale face etc. I always taught that Americans were the ethnicity of the Nation not divisional people called race.
What iz the difference in the words Ethnicity and Race?
Race is what someone can determine by merely looking at you: black, white, hispanic, asian,
Ethnicity is specific to your ancestry: mexican, irish, spainard, greek, italian, arabic, lebanese, costa rican, peruvian, portugese, australian, dominican, haitian, cherokee indian, etc. etc.
Reply:Race oftentimes is associated with the colour of ones skin, and the continent of origin. Ethnicity on the other hand, has to do with ones nationality. For example I am of the Black/African race, and my Ethnicity is Nigerian. It is a very controversial topic here in the USA, because it consists primarily of people from multiracial as well as multiethnic backgrounds.
Reply:Ethnicity: African american
Race: Human
Now, some people use the term "race" when they really mean ethnicity, which is what it sounds like happened to you.
Reply:Race is whether you are white, black, brown, or yellow. Any one can be these races. An example would be that you could have an Asian person who's race is black. It is simply the color of your skin even though our government does not always use it in that context. Our government has been known to call Blacks, African Americans as their race. Even though our race is Black, Our Nationality is American, and well basically we have no real ethnicity unless you could call it African I guess even though MOST of us have never been to Africa, know no one in our family that is directly from Africa, and have never even spoke a simple word or learned a simple word in African. Our Ethnicity could be called whatever different cultural differences that our race has but I do not know of any named Ethnicities in the black culture here in America.
Ethnicity is more of your ethnic orgin. An example of Ethnicity would be like someone who is a Siminole Native American.
Nationality is where you are from. An example of someone's nationality would be to say I am from the United States of America or someone who is from Japan. Their nationalities would be either American or Japanese.
Another good example of Ethinicity would be if you lived in Rwanda and your race or color is Black, your nationality is Rwandan and your etnicity is Hutu. You could also live in Rwanda, your race could be black,and your nationality is Rwandan and your ethnicity is Tutsi.
Another example would be that you could be called Hispanic in America as is being your race but your real race would be either white, black, or any other color depending on your color. Your Nationality is American depending on if you were born here, if you were not then it would be lets say Mexican and your ethnicity could be Hispanic.
Hope you understand.
Ps. Don't worry about what you are experiencing here in America when it comes to race, nationality, or ethnicity. It's just the way the world works.
May God be with you.
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