Thursday, January 12, 2012

How do I grow Carnations, Flax, and Morning Glories???

I bought some seed packets of each yesterday. There are some directions on the back but they are not clear. I live in North West Ohio.

Do i need to let them float in a glass of water for a few days?

How Deep should i plant them?

How far apart?

How do I grow Carnations, Flax, and Morning Glories???
Just follow instructions ..they are made so that dummies can follow them.
Reply:The easyes option is to try two different methods.

Method one: take half of the seeds, put a bit of warm water into a bowl and dump in the seeds. let them sit for a few hours or overnight. Then plant them in the ground.

Method two: Take other half of seeds and plant directily into the ground. Water well.

Most flower seed don't need to go down too deep. Just put them on the ground and sprinkle dirt over top. Veggies need to be planted a bit deeper in the ground then flowers. As for how far apart, you can always thin them out if they are growing to close toghether. If you are carefull and get the root with the plant, it can be transplanted. Just kinda sprinkel them out. For the morning glorys make sure they have some thing to grow up or they will grow up the other plants in your garden. It happened to me.

I have done both options with morning glory seeds. I honestly have not noticed a diffence other then if you soak the seed for to long, they will start to sprout. The best thing to do is experiment, other wise you won't learn anything. Also it is kinda fun to do, you never know what is going to happen. Good luck.
Reply:The morning glories need to soak, but only overnight. Take a paring knife and give them a slight nick before you soak. This will help the seeds allow moisture in to start the germination process. I usually plant my morning glory seeds 12 inches apart for a very thick cover on a ten foot high and 4 foot wide trellis. Plant them about half an inch deep and keep them evenly moist until germination.

Flax seeds only need a very light cover of dirt - maybe a quarter of an inch. Plant a couple of inches apart in rows six inches apart and thin them to 6-8 nches apart when the plants have two leaves. These are easy to grow.

I have never grown carnation from seed and cannot advise. Good luck to you and happy gardening!

Good luck!
Reply:All are very easy to grow. As Jeanne said, don't plant them too deep 1/4" of soil on top is sufficient.

I've never soaked seeds, just keep the dirt moist until you see sprouts - daily surface watering - then water as needed.

Be ready to have an infestation of morning glories, they are prolific reseeders.

new seedlings are easy to transplant when thinning. Drop forged trowel is my weapon of choice, pop the kid out, plunk it down elsewhere.

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