Sunday, January 15, 2012

How much protein should i take after i work out?

I need to know how much protien a 198lbs. 21 year old male should take after a work out. Also what kind you would suggest. In my mens health book they say take 8oz. of fat free milk and a banana, and a teaspoon of peanut butter, and a packet of carnation instant breakfast mix that up and take it after a work out is that good ??

How much protein should i take after i work out?
Theres nothing wrong with that but if you want protein you would want to get protein powder to mix. You would take the drink within 30 min of your workout. I also drink a meal replacement before i go to sleep (some ppl can't do this you just have to know how your body will act) because you sleep 6-8 hrs on an empty stomach which does not help produce muscle. During sleep is also when most of the rebuilding process takes place. So right after a workout there is a window to get protein and carbs and while you sleep is another window for protein to gain muscle.

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