Sunday, January 15, 2012

What flower do you think looks better in the barrel of a gun, carnation or lily ?

A lily, especially if its a peace lily.

What flower do you think looks better in the barrel of a gun, carnation or lily ?
Reply:definitely a lily
Reply:If I have to choose between the two, I'd go with the carnation--

Traditionally, the barrel blossom of choice is a daisy. The simple yellow blossom counterpoints the gunmetal, both in color and spirit.

But ya gotta go with what you've got.

Reply:I dont know why you whould ever put a flower in the barrel of a gun but I whould have to say a carnation because the orange and red colors look good with the gun and it is spread out more so it will stay in place better.

lily means

purity, yet fertility

abundance, yet death

lustful ardor, yet nobility

"...other folklore tells us that lilies, spontaneously appeared on the graves of people executed for crimes they did not commit...."

"...yellow lilies express gratitude and gaiety..."


"...according to superstition carnations could tell fortunes...."

"...carnations were used for black hair dye and to flavor beer, ale, and wine..."

" ancient greece, they were the most adored flowers....according to a christian legend, when jesus was carrying the cross, mary saw him and began to cry....carnations began to grow where her tears fell...."

"...the red carnation represents charity and love...."

"...the scarlet carnation...good-luck flower..."

"...a pink carnation became the symbol of mother's flower if your mother is still alive or a white flower if your mother has died..."

"...the carnation is a good-luck gift to a woman..."
Reply:I think a carnation will add some color it.
Reply:Tiger Lily, cause it's gong to bite someone in the a$$!!*
Reply:red rose
Reply:nope not a lily the wilts

the carnation break easy

red rose with very heavy pointed torns
Reply:neither, poppyseed
Reply:Roses with engraving "Guns N ****ing Roses"
Reply:Carnation for sure!
Reply:tulips...the two lips wrapped around that sucker...
Reply:carnation crap someone else wrote that too
Reply:black rose.
Reply:carnation- more western flickish, you know. Westerns= guns and sasparilla? plus i feel bad for the person you shot...
Reply:A lilly, it contrasts with the harsh gray black of the gun and it is als a symbol of fragility. If you touch a lilly, she bruises very easily. Another metafor for good and evil, black and white the perfect ying yang


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