Thursday, January 26, 2012

What color and type of flowers is the proper gift for a leading actress or actor in a live theatre production?

Roses or carnations, or something else entirely?

How many, and what color(s)?

What color and type of flowers is the proper gift for a leading actress or actor in a live theatre production?
Usually a bouquet of red roses are given out at our theatre. However, single carnations are nice to give out for those who don't want to spend the money on a whole bouquet.

If I were you, I'd get red roses. But please don't get the kind of flowers that have petals that fall off easily because they pose a serious threat to the performers.

Think about it, if the performer was allergic to the flowers they couldn't perform, or if a performer slipped from some petals on the stage...

some things to think about really.
Reply:While a dozen red roses are the norm, I suggest something more original. You can ask the florist to make up a "dramatic" will be admired and talked about much more than red roses. When red roses arrive backstage, everyone says "aw" and thinks "how nice"....when a more dramatic bouquet arrives backstage, everone inhales with surprize and thinks "wow!" makes you look like a more interesting person. Try a bouquet featuring a few each of gladiolus and dendrobium, plus a few other (less expensive) flowers to fill it out. Think color, think drama, but skip the roses, in my opinion.
Reply:There is no Industry standard, despite any other answsers. It's the GESTURE that matters.

Certainly YOU can inflate your own ego, and perhaps an Actresses to a higher level by spending more money,,, but there are no RULES.

You might do a service however, by inquiring in advance as to HER faves??? Or as one answers states,,, HER possible allergies???

It also may depend on the size of the production, the status of the actress, locally or globally, and certainly your budget.

Life is long,,, Pace yourself,,, I hope you won't make this a driving force in how you conduct your life in general? No offense.

Steven Wolf
Reply:I would say two to three dozeen red roses.
Reply:if you know the person as a friend, something besides red roses is always nice to get. Perhaps you could splurge and get the actress a single orchid - or something along those lines. I can tell you from experience, it is the gift of the flower (and not how many or what kind) that really matters.

btw, I completely agree with an earlier answer. Nothing that falls all over the place and gets the stage all messed up. That is just annoying.
Reply:stunning and daring. Big deep long stemmed dark red roses would be classic. Gorgeous brilliant colored Tulips good too.
Reply:I think that orchids and red roses are the typical stereotype for theatre bouquets.

Be different...give the gift of cheerful, bright yellow daffodils! Be original, anything that is daring, different, and not cheap-seeming (hand-picked wildflowers might not go over too well). Show them that they are too special for the same old-same old. If you feel that you must get roses, then find a colour that is different - salmon or coral or magenta.
Reply:red roses, i would say about 30 roses
Reply:All the above are right. Roses are generally the first choice. BUT never buy yellow flowers as they signify jealousy- not a good idea in a performers dressing room!

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