Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's your favourite flower, and in what colour?

Mine are carnations in salmon pink.

What's your favourite flower, and in what colour?
oooooooh carnations are also my fave!!! any color is fine. they smell so yummy
Reply:Blue Hydrangeas
Reply:I love white morning glories.
Reply:I like lilacs in purple.
Reply:roses cuse there sexy and in red
Reply:Pink tuips are my fave!
Reply:Every Spring, a little pink hyacinth comes up in my yard, and it's become a favorite of mine, just because I enjoy seeing it there every year.
Reply:Crimson Red Roses
Reply:I like day lilies. My favorite is peach. See the pictures on my website.
Reply:iris, the mostly purple with yellow and brown kind
Reply:iris in blue...poppies in red

blue and pink
Reply:Lotus is the most exquisite flower on Earth.
Reply:Lilacs and roses of any color.
Reply:gardenias and I believe they only come in white
Reply:Red Rose and yellow too
Reply:I would have to say my favorite flower is the cannabis. puff puff pass
Reply:It's hard to pick a fav, it depends on mood and season.

I love roses, red or peace (yellow with pink edges), or a creamy white. Light pink peonies are also good for a fresh romantic mood.

I adore white lilacs in the spring.

In the summer time, I can't get enough of those bright colord Gerbera daisies.
Reply:I love red carnations.
Reply:White daisies and purple hydrangeas (sp?) .
Reply:an orchid in white
Reply:Favorite? Just one? YIKES!!!!

Really it depends on the season. Early spring I love tulips and have a dark velvety red that is amazing. Then come Iris, iris, iris! I have several colors ranging from white to a beep purple that is called black. My favorite is white with dark purple edging on the flags and the falls. A bit later and Foxglove is beautiful in pink and white. Summer brings lilys, bright blue morning glory, and multi-colored passion flower. Later summer and the phlox blooms, my fav is white with pink centers. In the fall I love the toad lily with it's small white flowers speckled with maroon dots. So how on earth could I pick just one?
Reply:my is a lilac

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